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ICPE - International Conference on PLASTICS & SUSTAINABILITY” : Dated : 03/02/2023 - New Delhi
Conference Booklet : Conference Schedule
Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment (ICPE) had hosted an International Conference on Plastics & Sustainability on 03 February 2023 at The Lalit, Connaught Place, New Delhi. The Conference was supported by Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilisers, Government of India and Plastindia Foundation.
Global warming has brought in the climate change threatening the very existence of the world. Urgent response to achieve the globally identified SDGs is required. Ensuring sustainability is now recognized as one of the most important considerations in all human activities. A global and insightful perspective on the theme was deliberated during the conference focusing on Sustainability and Circular Economy.
The Programme is attached. Introduction to the Speakers, Session Chairs and Panellists has been covered in the Conference Booklet.
While preparation of the proceedings of the conference is under progress, the presentations of some of the speakers have been uploaded for preview of the viewers.
Contents of the presentations uploaded as of now:
- Dr. Jakob Fischer: McKinsey & Company: Accelerating ESG Journey for Chemical Players
- Mr. Jacob Duer: Alliance to End Plastics Waste (AEPW)
- Prof. (Dr.) Ramani Narayan: Michigan State University, USA: Is Biodegradability a Solution to Managing Plastic Wastes?
- Mr. Joseph Pang: BASF: Collaborating for a sustainable future
- Ms. Ursula Thakkar: TotalEnergies: Plastics in the Circular Economy
- Dr. Babu Padmanabhan: Steerworld: Future Ready Recycling
- Mr. Carlos Monreal: Plastic Energy: Chemical Recycling for Circular Economy
- Mr. Marcel Willberg: Sorting and Washing Solutions for High Quality Plastic Recycling
- Mr. Andy Swain: Henkel: Sustainable Adhesives for Consumer Goods.
Please watch this space for more information.
Multi -Stakeholders Consultation on
Plastics Packaging & "Single Use Plastics” : Dated : 04/04/2019 - Delhi --- -- A REPORT
Government of India has pledged to eliminate use of “Single Use Plastics” by 2022. To facilitate the process of developing a broad consensus of multiple stakeholders on the issue and assist regulatory authorities in evolving a pragmatic road map,ICPE had organizing a Multi Stakeholders’ Consultation at India International Centre Annex, New Delhi on Thursday, the 4th April, 2019.
Points for Deliberation were:
- Clarity on what constitutes Single Use Plastics.
- Impact on packaging industry – Brand owners, retailers and consumers
- Alternatives to Single Use Plastics – Viability, technical feasibility and environmental compatibility.
- Impact on industry, consumer and environment by the use of proposed alternatives.
- Opportunities – Innovation, new materials, packaging design, circular economy.
- Role of stake holders particularly plastic industry to face the challenge.
- Suitability of time line for India for the proposed change
Preliminary report (to be updated) contains two presentations.
Dr. R.S. Sodhi M.D. GCMMF(AMUL), Anand, Gujarat
- Presentation
Dr. Ms. Almitra Patel, Member, Supreme Court Committee for SWM
- Presentation
